
INTERNATIONAL LAW Steven Wheatley б/в(була у використанні)

Оригінальна ціна: ₴1,400.00.Поточна ціна: ₴1,169.00.

Автор: Steven Wheatley


Тип видання: підручник

Рік видання: 1996

Кількість сторінок: 182

ISBN: 1-85431-501-3

Палітурка: м’яка

Мова: англійська

Формат: 150 х 220 мм

Стан: б/в(була у використанні)


1 в наявності




This book is not intended as a textbook, or even a mini-textbook, but it is hoped that it will encourage the same interest in international law that Wacks’, SWOT Jurisprudence instilled in me in that subject as an undergraduate. Originally from Lincoln, my horizons inevitably broadened from the potato fields to wider ones (horizons not potato fields); and, since I had no gift for physics or cosmology, I focused on the world and the states that covered the globe, their interrelations and conflicts. To be able to study and teach a discipline which has attempted to make some sense out of this chaos and impose some control on die worse excesses of the international community, has proved of constant interest to me, and a system of law with no binding precedent or omnipotent legislator or judiciary is a gift to the natural cynic. International law lives hand in hand with international politics, and the areas considered in this book are those that have provoked the most controversy and interest. Nevertheless, I have attempted to avoid excessive concern for technical legal rules, which is best left to the pedantic legal mind of the private international lawyer.

My thanks to Blackstone Press for their patience and encouragement and to myself for undertaking the laborious task of typing the manuscript, to my parents and my brother, Simon, to Andrew and the Bill St. Moritz Experience; but most importantly to my wife, Katherine, for her support, which kept me going, and her interruptions which stopped me in full flow, to Ben, who may now persuade his Dad to play football outside with the other big kids, and to Francesca, whose birth in April puts everything else in perspective.

Steven Wheatley

University of Central Lancashire

January 1996


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